
Hi! Thank you so much for being here. It truly means the world to me.

In case you know little about me, allow me to introduce myself and give you a bit of background on why I am here.

I’m Leah, a Midwest gal with big dreams. I recently moved into a little farmhouse in the country with my golden retriever, Junie, and my growing flock of cats. I’m passionate about small business, social enterprise, sustainable fashion, and giving back.

I studied entrepreneurship and fine art in college. I took every opportunity to integrate anything fashion related into all of my school projects. My summer internships were with Half United, a clothing and accessories company whose mission is to fight hunger, and Krochet Kids, a non-profit clothing company that empowers people to rise above poverty. These two internships set the tone for where I wanted my career path to take me.

That being said, there are a very small amount of career opportunities in the Midwest in the fashion industry…especially the sustainable fashion industry. Post-graduation, I spent time working in retail management, social media management, account based marketing, and event marketing. I learned a lot from these experiences, and I am forever grateful for them. But the pandemic put quite a few things in perspective for me, including: life is short and unpredictable, geographical location is no longer a limitation, and with a little luck and persistence, you can go viral on Tik Tok.

SO. I’m here. I am launching this website as a starting place for two reasons:

  1. I needed a place where I can share (and hopefully inspire others) about ethical and sustainable fashion. A launchpad of sorts that will ideally be a catalyst for bigger things in the sustainable fashion realm.

  2. I’m launching a freelance business as a digital marketing and social media strategist. I will be working with companies to build their brand and grow their reach across their digital channels. This will serve as a starting point as I build my own brand, grow my business, and connect with new clients. This portion of the website will be up and running mid-February. 

More on what this blog will look like…

Fast fashion is the third most polluting industry in the world. In a sea of influencers flooding our feeds with discount codes and the ever-changing trends, I’m choosing to challenge myself to change my mindset as a consumer, especially when it comes to clothes. I’m here to share my “journey” (I’ve been watching too many Bachelor franchise shows) to a more sustainable lifestyle, and I aim to inspire others to make steps toward changing their mindset as consumers as well. I’ll be sharing my favorite ethical and sustainable brands to support, style inspiration, consumer behavior shifts, and so much more.

Here’s to this budding new project and to putting my passions into action. I can’t wait to share more with you!


leah d


2021 challenge